Monday, June 6, 2011

Some background

Wow! My first blog posting, ever. To be honest, I am quite new at this in several ways. First, I have never "blogged" before. Second, I have minimal cooking skills when it comes to berries. However, I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself and tell my story to give you some idea as how this whole thing started.

Well, I have to be honest that I grew up disconnected from the food I ate. Sure, I loved and appreciated eating. But I enjoyed fast, simple, and "easy" food; I was definitely one of those children whom Michelle Obama is trying to educate and save. I loved fast food: McDonalds, Taco Bell, Jack in the Box. You name it, I would eat it! With such a diet, I found myself overweight during my adolesence and into my early twenties. I simply did not connect that the food I put in my mouth had such a huge impact on how I feel and how much energy I have. Also, I did not understand that a full tummy does not always equate to a satisfied body.

It was not until I started growing up that I realized the error of my dietary habits. I have been blessed to have a summer job that I have always loved. Since the age of 15, I have worked in the beautiful Skagit County for Skagit Sun Berries. Farmer Don and my aunt Pat have entrusted the job of Berry Salesperson to me every summer that I have been able to work (I did take a few summers off to backpack during college). Even though I have loved my job from day one - selling local, fresh, and delicious fruit to kind and happy people over the years - it was not until last summer that I can say I truly “got it.”

Last summer, 2010, Skagit Sun Berries first ventured into the lively world of farmers markets. I was able to work at most of the markets at which we sold. Being able to talk with other people who are just as excited as I am about local, virtuous produce gave me the opportunity to view food as it should be: a source of joy that not only feeds and nourishes your body but also your spirit. While my diet today is by no means flawless, I can say that my increased awareness of food as helped my body become much healthier overall.

So, we come to the summer of 2011, and again I am blessed to work for Skagit Sun and sell at local farmers markets. Only now, I want to share not just the fruit with you, but also ideas of what our berries can become. We have got a list of about ten really great recipes on our website ( that I will be attempting throughout the short but sweet berry season. You can expect to see photographs and descriptions of what did or did not work with the recipes. Of course, you will also hear how the final product turned out.

The berries will be ready any day now. I can’t wait for our first day at market, since I’ve been waiting since last September to see the berries again! But until they are ready, I will plan. Please follow us on Facebook and/or Twitter to see what’s new with our farm, and when you can check out a new blog post. I am still new at both cooking and blogging, but I look forward to sharing and learning with you!

Take care, and see you berry soon! –Heather Tonnemaker

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